Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 21: Finish Strong

Scripture: II Samuel 1-5

Today’s Menu: Today I am traveling. I packed some triscuits and peach applesauce for the flight but was really hungry by the time I got to the airport so I ate it already…smh

Finish Strong

It’s 7:21am and I am sitting in Newark Airport waiting for my flight to board. I had packed a little baggie of Daniel snacks for my flight and as I was munching (ok, devouring) the triscuits and peach applesauce, I realized—today is day 21! It is the last day of the fast and I have to admit that I am feeling so many emotions.

First, I am excited! We made it and that is worthy of celebration. This fast was a tough one for me, especially the past few days. However, this fast reminds me that even the tough things are just for a season and sometimes you just have to plod your way through day after day, moment after moment not forgetting that it will pass. There has been a joy in the spirit during the past couple days. Out of nowhere, my spirit just gets happy, like it knows a secret. My spirit leaps with joy as if it is expecting something wonderful and I hope and pray that whatever it is, it will come soon.

Second, I am grateful. I know that God is the One who has sustained us and I am thankful for this walk with Him. I am grateful for the ways I am getting to know God and especially myself. I am grateful that I am changing, and growing, and surrendering at new levels. I am grateful that there is such depths and heights to this relationship that I am privileged to experience. I am grateful that God longs for my company and I am hungering for God’s.

Finally, I am a little anxious. I want to continue the habits I have developed during this fast. I am even looking forward to Lent. My plan is to ease out of this fast and not try to eat up everything I have missed but to listen to my body and go slow. I know it will be ok if I just maintain my daily disciplines and continue to listen to God in the details.

I have enjoyed this journey with you all. It has been my pleasure and although I do not know what type of fast or spiritual discipline we will be called to for Lent, I will be blogging through those 40 days. See you online on February 17th!

Well, it's the last day. So finish strong!


  1. I thank God for the journey, I praise God for His guidance and I love God unconditional. This fast was quite new for me. I remember fasting every Wednesday or fasting for Lent, but this fast I realize I really do want to be in an earnest relationship with God. As Rev. Watley revealed through God I must follow through with whatever or where ever God has designed for me. I thank God for the ministry of St. James AMEC and I pray you continue to serve our God in Jesus' name. Gerilynn Boca Raton Fl
