Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 10: Not a Blue Monday

Scripture: I Samuel 6-8
Today's Menu:
Snacks: Banana, Nuts, Applesauce, Raisins, Triscuits
Meals: Portuguese collard greens (last of them) and vegetarian chili (yesterday's recipe) with olive tortillas

Not a Blue Monday
Today has gotten off to a good start, although I am feeling like I want a nap. It always happens after the high of working out wears off. So, I made it to the gym this morning, which is a major accomplishment. It has been a LONG time. It was good to get that cardio in. Down 3.2lbs since last week without any real exercise. I am hoping I can drop about the same this week with the exercise. Daniel really cleans up your eating. It also helps me to get my priorities straight especially when it come to my own self-care. I know that I need to do certain things before I leave the house each morning: Bible reading, prayer/journaling, prayer with prayer partners, Wii Fit body test, crunches, gym. In order to make the morning work, I have to prepared meals the night before and have gym and work clothes laid out. I have to PREPARE. And isn't this what this fast is about--Preparation for the breakthroughs, answers, petitions we have asked of God?

I sense in very deep and real way that God is moving on my behalf. And I know that so many others are feeling the same way. I sincerely believe I will get what I have asked of the Lord. I believe more that I ever have and know that I am closer than I imagine. This is so exciting to me! I am hearing the whispers, seeing things fall into place, and just waiting for confirmation. I am at peace. I was worried and discouraged at how "un-corporate" this fast seemed to be. I thought of the children of Israel who could have crossed the wilderness in 40 days, but wandered in it for 40 years because of their unbelief and disobedience. And it didn't affect just them--Joshua and Caleb had to wander with them, too. Can I say for the record, I am tired of the wilderness?! But today I felt the Lord saying that it won't hold up what God has for me or for His people who are faithful and obey. I pray that as a body, we are ready for this next shift because I get the feeling God is not playing. His grace is never sent in vain--it is to give us time to get it together. So, I am trying to be who I need to be and do what I need to do. I've decided to put away childish things and seek full maturity in all areas of my life. Daniel is no joke.

And here's the other thing I am sensing--perhaps the only people who could really heed the call to this fast are the hungry; people who want more of God regardless of what it costs or takes. I know of at least 3 other churches, no 5, who are fasting the first few weeks of the year. God is doing something in His KINGDOM, not just an individual church. I don't want to miss KINGDOM vision! It's Monday, but I'm not blue and for this I am grateful.

So tell me, what are you sensing in your spirit? Because I believe God is speaking.


  1. I am tired of the wilderness too! I hungry for breakthrough and a new way of living! Doing this fast helps me to take care of me instead of everyone else. And that feels good. Loving myself enough to take the time to cook, workout, spend quiet time with God and to rest. I had music on for part of the day while I was cleaning and cooking today. After a while I didn't even want to hear the gospel music. I just wanted quiet. So I shut it off and felt the peace of God in my home. Then I could hear the song in my spirit, a song of worship. God's sweet peace.

    Service was wonderful yesterday! The men dancing to that song really ministered to my soul. It just lifted me up. I went to work after service and no longer felt that heavy spirit I had been feeling all week. I just had God's joy in my heart the rest of the day. And I realized that is the key! Really staying in God's face for his strength, peace and joy. So when others were cranky at work, I just kept on smiling and doing my work, because I stayed in his face long enough for him to fall on me!

  2. I opened my Bible and the Lord gave me Mark 2:18-22. This scripture talks about John's disciples and the Pharisees fasting and how it became a custom for the followers of Jesus after the crucifixion. Right on point for where we are - followers of Jesus.

    This fast is different for me because it is not about what food I will eat or what new recipes I can create to add variety to my meals; it is about my growing relationship with God and being obdient to His direction.
    I have 2 co-workers who belong to different churches who are also on a fast as well. In talking to them before the fast began, they did not want to participate in the fast 100%, they wanted to pick and choose what they wanted to omit. All I said to them was "you get out of it what you put into it". Those words are for my ears as well. I too am tired of wandering around in the wildrerness with blinders on, my eyes and my heart need to be wide open to receive the fullness that God has planned for me and us as a body of believers.

    The time is now to be prepared to receive the great move of God that is about to be revealed in this time and this place and I plan to be a part of it will you?

  3. I too am tired of the wilderness although my wilderness experiences have helped shaped me into who I am today. Today I really like Susan and it hasn't always been that way. I love the person God is shaping me into. I feel like this fast is helping to transform me into a whole new person, one that I would really like to get to know better. I'm also tired of seeing God's people go through the wilderness experience again and again without growing. Although many are not participating, I'm grateful for the ones who have decided to participate and am excited about what God is going to do in all of our lives.

    @Tanya - I too am enjoying my quiet time in the morning. I usually turn on itunes on my computer and dance my prayers but as I've lost all my music on my comnputer its just me & God. I'm forced to be really still & listen before I dance. When you're really in love you don't even need the music to stay in rhythm with your partner. I'm dancing this morning with no music - just the sweet sound of the Holy Spirit

  4. I can not deny that things are changing and being rearranged in my life-socially, spiritually, and economically. I also know that these changes are the result of the fast and the lifestyle of fasting that i have developed in the last six months(thank you carin for illuminating the above scripture). I perceive that the purpose of fast is to chisel away the walls of my comfort zone and complacency. My life is in his hands and my job is to keep still and not wiggle away from the pressure. When it is all said done, I will become Matthew 5:48. Not by my own standards or the standards of the world but by His holy calling and work within my life.

  5. Thank you so much for your concern and invitation.I will try to meet with you next Sunday. But just to give you an update. I did not go to St. James on Sunday. I went to my old church and I have to say it really felt good. The kids I taught as babies are now grown up teenagers preparing for college. We talked about the old times. I got hugs and kisses. I have a 6 year old granddaughter and she wants to be involved in church activities. On Monday I took her to their dance ministry and she was so excited to dance. Next week I am going to take her to choir rehearsal. I know church (St. James) has its rules and regulations, but my concern is this, she is 6 years old. She wants to sing and dance for the Lord. To not be able to participate because she is not a member and make her become a member when she really does not totally understand I don't want to do that. She was so excited last night when she came home.She danced for the Lord. Helping with the kids as they danced was great for me. This fast is giving me clarity and challenges. One of them is my membership. I am learning that God does have a place for me. Maybe it is not at St. James. For the first time in a long time I feel alive. One of the things I have asked God for is to find me a place in his vineyard to work. Ten years at St. James and I have not found it. Ten years sitting on a pew - dry. Praying and petitioning God with all my heart everyday. I have tried various things and got nothing. Walked away with tears and a broken heart. For the first time I can talk about it. Sunday after Sunday no one knew or knows my pain. This is not easy for me but I need this release. To put it into words. This fast is helping me to speak up and out. I feel my dry season may be coming to an end.

  6. @miklal-I look forward to seeing you on Sunday
