Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 2: It's On and Poppin'

Scripture: Philippians 1-2
Today's Menu: Let's see, I ate a banana before 9:30 service and some triscuits and water on the way to 11am service.
Right now, I am eating a bowl of the vegetable soup/stew I made yesterday and it's REALLY good, at least to me. The butternut squash really brings a nice flavor to it.
Trying to get in 3-4 bottles of water
not sure what else I will eat, don't have much of an appetite
Things I plan on trying...
For breakfast tomorrow, I will make a little cream of wheat
I will take a little and mix it with my Polaner All Fruit spread and mix a little with one of my baby foods and prayerfully, I will have another breakfast option...

It's On and Poppin'
Clearly, I'm feeling a lil! But seriously, don't you feel it? The excitement, the newness, the expectation, the FAITH? I do. I feel people are getting serious about their walk with God and are ready to do whatever hey must to receive the promises and blessings of God. I am seeing fewer victims of a "good enough" faith. And that, my friends, excites me and makes what I do worth the sacrifices it often requires.
So, although I am excited, I am also a little...well, "anxious" is too strong a word and I'm not "afraid" but maybe "nervous" is the right word. I have butterflies in my stomach :-). Yeah, that's it-butterflies! I feel that twinge of excitement and expectation that is also mixed with a little nervousness and uncertainty because I believe and feel something good or great heading my way but I don't know exactly when or how. Today, I sensed the Lord saying to me "Now. It is the time." I am certain I have tipped into another season. I need a change, I need the seasons to shift and I need to God to show up for me personally, not just professionally. I am believing God for Raquel not just Rev. St. Clair. I pray that God is saying "now" because it has been "not yet" for so long.
So it's on and poppin'--I am preparing and positioning myself to follow where Jesus is leading and do what He says. I crave intimacy with God and I want to hear his voice speaking about some specific areas of my life. During this fast, I have once again turned off the TV and no movies. I spend most of my alone time in silence or listening to worship music. I am being very careful about what I subject myself to. I do not need fluff, foolishness, frivolity. I do not need distractions. This is my time to focus, to press hard after God, to hear clearly and unmistakable. It is the time and I want to be ready.


  1. Yes..I am with you on the no television or movies. I even reduced my facebook time! I am only listening to Worship and Gospel music too. I know from experience that you have to becareful of what you subject yourself to during a fast. I am pressing in with all that i have. To God Be The Glory!...I Press!

  2. Thank you Rev. Raquel for sharing your thoughts and guiding us along the way. I too like the "no TV" thing. I don't watch much TV, but the little I watch, I can devote that time in God's presence. I was just about to turn it on and said "no, no, it's prayer time"

  3. I don't know what I am feeling but I do know this that God is confirming some things that He placed on my Spirit. Some of the things that I blogged on just yesterday, God confirmed in today's message via Rev Watley - thanks Pastor.
    I feel that I must meditate each day and ask God to cleanse and clear my thoughts so that I can be open and willing to receive direction from Him. I am going through an emotional rollercoaster stuck somewhere in between what I should do and what I need to do and the answer can only be found in my heart - so I meditate and journal praying that God will place the answer where He resides. I am glad these feelings are coming out now, at the beginning of the fast, so that my direction will come sooner rather than later as long as I stay teachable.

    Well I braved the cold last night and went to Shop Rite to get broccoli crowns and came out with a whole lot of other stuff. One thing I found on the last Daniel Fast was Sage Valley Tortilla Chips made from organic yellow corn and healthy oils & sea salt. I just LOVE snacks. I looked at the baby fruits as suggested by Rev but couldn't choose, plus most of the ones I picked up had some form of sugar added - UGGGGH. I have to go back plus people kept asking me advice on which brands my baby likes - NOW YOU KNOW I was just Shaking My Head...
    Today I made some split pea soup with carrots in the slow cooker, dry split peas, veggie broth and baby carrot slices takes about 8hrs on high (I try to cook for the week so I can have a variety).

    Ladies don't forget your Multi vitamin, Vitamin E & C, Calcium and some extra B.

    @Tammy - where did you find Red Quinoa (Tell me it was Revs fave store Whole Paycheck?)
    @Rev Raquel - I just love that Whole Paycheck alias

  4. @ Carin- can't take credit for it, got it from one of my FB friends.

  5. @carin believe it or not...I got it from Stop and Shop!

  6. Thanks Rev and Tammy!!
